Spring 2016
Professor: Jimenez Lai
Partner: Rasam Aminzadeh

This studio attempts to explore the architectural possibilities of striving for a 'total compactness' within the ever-expansive megalopolis of Los Angeles. Over 400 residential units, parking, amenities, groceries, an art center and a pocket park are included within the design.

The Urban Archipelago – scattered villages, highly congested vacuums of space populate an expansive landscape of erased mass. The model of the archipelago allows us to think not in totality but to accept the fragmentation of space. These islands differentiate themselves with a concentrated and specific function. Specialization of function builds compatibilities between otherwise isolated objects, and helps negotiate the apparently inevitable juxtapositions and incompatibilities of a metropolis.

Individualization constructs a collective essence with various individual identities. The islands prescribe a form of society only for the bodies present on their territories. The tripartite structures are a reorganization of the apartment block: apartments stacked atop a platform of parking, supported by a plinth of vertical circulation. Elevating the program above the site creates two distinct environments: individual identities on each surface of the islands, and an interstitial landscape (“water”) between them which becomes saturated with urban artifacts and public activities. Industrial functions placed below the plinth program the form and organization of each island.

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