Winter 2015
Erin Besler, Steven Christensen
Teaching Assistants:
Angel Gonzalez, Austin Kaa

This studio focuses on the opposition between what is inside and outside in architecture. When an individual is on the inside of something, they are also on the outside of something else. Conventionally, inside is thought of as “an inevitable by-product of construction: simply a building's inside” (Sylvia Lavin, Kissing Architecture, pg.67)

The gap between inside and outside in architecture is never fixed or stable. Whereas the modernists sought to bend the perception of inside and outside by removing various parts of the envelope, this studio intends to find new meaning in the relationship via explorations of recombinant forms, including interior facades, pronounced backsides, and strategic reveals of the interior.

Space is carved out of the periphery of the cube and is devoid of the center. Each corner attempts to break down visual reading of the cube with a unique interplay of solid, void, and edge. Each 'move' that alters the volume strategically maintains the original profile of the object, creating a visual disconnect between the drawing and the actual form.